Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Square


  1. It looks like I'm going to have another epic fail for this month and not get around to seeing this until the first few days of Nov. It's really sad. A whole month and I can't find the time to watch two movies. Le fail.

  2. So, I don't suck. I was able to view this thanks to Amazon and my promo code for a Video on Demand. Holla.

    Well, as I know you are all aware, but this movie is awesome! Except I would of like more scenes of Joel, but that's okay. (same with Animal Kingdom. what's up Aussie film!)

    This movie was full of twists and turns and Ray kept doing deeper and deeper into the shit hole. Even though you expected shit to happen, and knew more stuff was going to be thrown into the mix, you weren't at all expecting exactly what happened.

    Basically, it wasn't clique or predictable or anything like that. It was brilliant. I even loved the scene with Carla's dog getting eaten by a shark when he's on the way to see Ray's dog.

    You can argue that it's a bit clique and not needed, but it works. It's not a very long scene, but it connects to the tone with such ease that it reminds you that once you get started on something, it's bound to blow up. I also loved how they had that real quick line about the shark in the bay, and it was just passed over. When the dog gets eaten, you're like, "Oh, yeah." The previous line was so subtle I never thought it would be played out. I mean, they are in Australia, there are effing sharks everywhere!

    I really enjoyed, growing to love this movie. It's very suspenseful and you are pulled into the story and these lives. I mean, you even feel bad for Smithy, even though his illegal actions is what started the whole thing. That's brilliant!

    I want them to do another thing together.
    Good pick Jessica! (Now I would appreciate it if you would quit starring at Joel like that, it really is starting to get creepy.)


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