OMG: Official Movie Gold

Movies that leave you breathless, hopeful, and in an all around good mood.


  1. Since I'm taking a snack break at work, I'll go ahead and be the first to enter a movie I love. While we all know that I have many films I could write about, I will pick one that will start conversation, and I have a feeling I'm the only one who likes this movie (look, another one!).

    Rachel Getting Married

    I believe I went to see this with Nyrie, Christee, and Emily (or was it just Ny and Em?). I was the only one who liked it. The reason I liked it was the reasons the others disliked it.

    Kym isn't the easiest character to sympathize with. It's not likely that you would have been in her situation, and it's not likely that you will want to root for her. However, the way the movie was shot, you could feel what she's feeling and that helped you sympathize with her.

    There were many scenes in which you spend way to much time in a given situation and you wanted to get the hell out of there, you wanted to escape. That's exactly how Kym felt dealing with her family the first time she's out of rehab, which happened to be her sister's wedding.
    Just how Family Guy uses the drawn out situations and sequences to bring in awkward comedy (also Gervais uses this a lot), Demme uses it dramatically.

    I'm a huge Anne Hathaway fan, and I love when she breaks her Princess Diary good girl and is gritty and troubled. She's a great actress, and I love seeing her stretch her abilities (Havoc as well).

    It isn't the easiest movie to watch, for several reasons, and it's definitely not one of those that you can watch over and over again. However, it still sticks in my head as having an affect on me and how stories are told. Then again, it is Jonathan Demme.

  2. I really liked this movie too! I loved how it felt like I was watching a documentary about a family; the experience was almost voyeuristic. I was really enthralled even though there wasn't much going on as far as an actual plot. My favorite scenes were the rehearsal dinner and the wedding/reception.

    I'm a big Rosemarie DeWitt fan, and she definitely didn't disappoint in this movie. I thought Anne Hathaway deserved all the accolades she got for this film, because she was great, but I didn't feel like it was "her" movie, which is one reason I enjoyed it so much. To me, it wasn't all, "hey! Look! Anne isn't a Disney princess!" It had a lot more depth than that.

    I can totally see why some people didn't like this movie (Jim wasn't impressed), but I thought it was great.

  3. Really? I don't know why, but I'm surprised that you liked this. I thought we talked about you not liking it. Or maybe it was I didn't think you'd like it.

    Don't know why though, it's totally a character story.
    I loved the story and the interaction with the family. You wanted to look away but you just couldn't, because of the voyeuristic element. Totally train wreck.

    Rosemarie DeWitt? Is that the sister. Not that I can't look up on IMDb or anything...

  4. Scott Pilgrim...Scott Pilgrim....Scott Pilgrim!!!!
