on the Telly...

We can't forget about the TV shows.
These are the shows that we fancy.  The ones worth watching.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Since I'm on a roll I might as well continue. It's hard to think of just one. Not that I can't do multiple posts, but there are a few good shows on TV right now. Most of them are on cable networks, though. I'm going to pick one that hasn't started it's second season yet so you have time to catch up.

    White Collar

    A thief, who happens to be one of the best forgers, teams with a FBI agent to catch white collar criminals while searching for his girlfriend.
    Tim DeKay plays the FBI agents, and is a great character. He's tough, but he has a soft spot, which is his wife. I love strong male characters who buckle whenever they are around their women...I think it's sexy.
    Matt Bomer (he's Texan what what!) is the same way with his girlfriend, but he is the suave sexy partner.

    And damn is he sexy. He dresses in all 50s-Rat Pack attire, which makes his gorgeous smile stand out even more, with hats that bring out his eyes.

    Okay, so part of the appeal of this show is the hotness of Matt Bomer.
    The other part, and the bigger part (until Neal smiles of course) is the chemistry between DeKay and Bomer. They play very well off of each other. The storylines are complicated and intertwined with serial elements of the show and character defying situations. Many layers to this shows.

    The minor plays are worth watching as well. Tiffany Amber Thiessen and Willie Garson are pretty awesome. Especially Garson, his chemistry/relationship with Bomer is well played out and developed.

    It's on USA, Characters Welcome.

  3. I've never heard of this program. It sounds interesting.

    My new favorite show is Party Down. It's a Starz Channel original, but is available for instant viewing on Netflix; they even put the latest episode up right when it airs on Starz. The first season is also out on DVD.

    It is so funny! Jane Lynch was on the first season, before she left to work on Glee, and Megan Mullally replaced her for season 2. There are so many awesome actors, not just the main cast but the guest stars as well.

    Y'all definitely need to check it out!

    P.S. Now that I know how to use html codes, I'm going to be really annoying about it!

  4. Just cause you think you're all suave now....

    I've heard a lot of good things about Party Down, I mean Party Down, that I definitely need to watch it.

    I love Lizzy Chapman. She was on the first season of True Blood, and my favorite character for that season. She was also on this show that only lasted a season called The Class about high school friends hanging out again. It sounds stupid, but was really good.
    And that Adam "hi, i'm hot" guy who was in Knocked Up, used to be in a pys show on HBO.

    Yeah, never seen an episode, but know the cast. Oh, and AND MARTIN STARR! I heart him.

    Maybe that should be our assignment for next month....

  5. Lizzy Caplan was on Freaks and Geeks too, as Sarah, Nick's disco girlfriend in the last episode.

    Adam Scott is awesome! You will just love his character on Party Down!

  6. The Inbetweeners!

    Ok, so I just caught up with this show not too long ago, but I'm totally hooked. I love BBC America and this show doesn't disapoint. If you love Superbad and other juvenille movies/shows, you'll love this show. Ok, so it's a little crude, but it's so hilarious.
    The characters are awesome and so remind me of the guys from high school although you have a "behind the scenes pass" of what they were really saying and thinking. It's so much fun. If you have BBC America, tune in or set your DVR. The second season is just about to end. Probably about 4 shows left (you know British series), but tune in if you can. Netflix doesn't have a time frame for the first season on DVD, but be sure to save.

  7. Lizzy was on F&G!!! Man, I need to rewatch that show.
    Adam Scott, that's his name. Was just going to say Adam "I'm too hot for a last name" guy, but good to know it's Scott.

    Inbetweeners. I remember seeing previews for it on BBC during the Top Gear breaks. It does look interesting. I don't have DVR, so I'm out of luck on that. I need to get a listing of when shows come on..and BBC on Demand needs to up their show list!

    I still need to watch Being Human, which sounds hilarious! A vamp, a were and a ghost living together...Sounds like the start of a really bad joke. It also reminds me of The Young Ones. Though, I don't remember much from that show except the Punk Rock one.
    My attempt to be cool and hang out with my older siblings, but got educated in British shows at the same time.

  8. Yeah, so I'm getting caught up, thanks to Jessica, on Being Human, and it's definitely not what I expected.

    I mean, when you hear "a British TV show where a vampire, werewolf, and ghost share a house..." your mind immediately ventures into "The Young Ones" territory. Being Human, however, is the complete opposite of that. (which I mentioned before)

    I love it! It's a really great drama and great acting/characters (and yes, a another hot vampire). It amazing me that British and Canadian shows can have these full story lines in just 6 episodes, and it never feels rushed.

    I can't wait to catch up on the 2nd season. Another one to add to the purchase list.
