Monday, May 31, 2010

How to Be

Recommended by Lisa for Melissa:


  1. I chose this film for Missy cause I love it. I love the story, was able to connect to it a bit. And yes, it's a Rob movie. But it's not a Edward movie, which is what I liked....he can act! I thought he did good.

    It was also by a first time director, so I respected everything about it being a first film. Not your typical first film, it wasn't all art house.

    Missy, what did you think of Rob? You know, Jessica and I saw Rob when we went to see it during the film festival, him and his awkward cuteness needed a drink after all the ridiculous girls. I'm sure you remember...just had to bring it up again.

    You know...I not only have seen Rob and listened to him answer questions, been maybe 15 feet from him; but I have also been good friends with Taylor, and have pictures of us together and a really adorable card he made me. I'm totally the envy of every wannabe Bella.

    I remember when Jessica and I went to see another festival movie, we overheard some older ladies talk about how depressing the movie was. I thought the movie was funny. Sometimes life just sucks, you have to laugh at it to get through it. You also have to realize that life isn't perfect, and no matter what you do it never will be. Just have fun with where you're at.

    I actually emailed the director, and he emailed me back. We had a correspondence for a while, which makes me love him even more that he took the time to do it, and he totally agreed with me, that's what his point was. I'm so awesome.

  2. *deep breath* OK, so I've been dreading having to say this: I didn't like this movie. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I reaaaalllly wanted to, but I just found it to be pretty boring. And that surprised me, because it's not like I'm immune to dry Brit wit--I just didn't quite find the humor.

    Well, maybe that's not entirely true. I did think that some scenes were pretty cute, mainly the ones with Art's friends. Those guys had their moments. And I did laugh at the scene where Art wakes his parents up, while laying (lying? I need to take a grammar class, I swear!) between them, and the psychologist is sitting there in the dark with lots of things to say.

    On that note, I liked the premise of Art hiring Dr. Ellington to live with him, but it just didn't live up to its potential (in my opinion, of course).

    I think a big problem I had was that Art didn't endear himself to me. Frankly, I found him to be kinda whiny and annoying. I get that he was a young man of a certain age trying to figure out his place in this world, and I can appreciate that. I mean, hell, I can RELATE to that; I freaked out when I turned 25. I didn't at 30, I didn't at 35... but 25? Yeah, I started bawling while having a birthday lunch at Mother's with mom and Erika.

    So yes, I do see how Art was trying to figure stuff out and how he ultimately realized that he needed to not be so dramatic and serious about things that he couldn't control. As you said, Lisa, letting go of all the BS and allowing yourself to just enjoy life is a big and important lesson to learn. That I understand and appreciate. But I guess my issue is with how Art spent so much time blaming his parents and his (ex)girlfriend for his troubles. Sure, it sucks to be dumped and his parents definitely weren't emotionally supportive. But it was hard for me to feel sorry for him when he was living off of his mom and dad and blowing enormous amounts of money on that car and the therapist. And then he called his friend out for being financially supported by his parents! Who was he to talk?

    As for Rob's acting, I thought he did a decent job. But I don't know that I can say that he's a great actor or anything. He surely ("and don't call me Shirley!") gave Edward Cullen some depth that didn't exist in the books, which was no small feat, but he's got a ways to go. And he's definitely getting better, since he was way awful in that movie Dad made me watch ("Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King"). Maybe I just can't give him more credit for his acting chops in this movie because I didn't much like the character? I'm totally willing to admit that.

    Again, I know that Art's parents were aloof at best, and the mom was pretty mean at times. But I kinda sympathized with them, even though I so was not supposed to. The mom totally said some really harsh things, but I still found myself finding value in her frustration with Art. Honestly, I'm a little worried about what that says about me.

    I think there should be some more discussion about this movie, and I'm dying to hear Jessica's thoughts (which are positive, right?). I'm just going with my initial reaction here, which was not a good one. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

  3. Oh, Lisa, I meant to add that I think it's awesome how the director engaged you in a conversation about his film. That is really cool!

  4. Well, we're not all meant to agree on everything, so I'm glad we have this place to share our thoughts and hopefully get others to watch something we love or at least get their take on it.
    This wasn't my favorite movie either. (Sorry, Lisa). I was interested in seeing it not because RobPat was going to be at the screening but because it looked promising. I had only seen him in Twilight previews and Harry Potter at the time, so I was interested in his real ability to act. Although I'm quite sure that he can bring it, I just wasn't in love with this character, either.

    I understand his place in life and how lost he felt, but it was kind of depressing. There were parts that were definitely funny and parts that were definitely sad. Sometimes I had to think to myself, "Am I supposed to be laughing right now?". I did enjoy how the Dr. just happened to randomly appear in scenes, like the parent's bedroom scene. It kind of added that laugh that you need in those awkward, depressing moments in his life. I thought it was a great effort by the first time director and I enjoyed him in the Q&A. I think my favorite part of the movie is the first scene where Art is lying in bed with his girlfriend and I don't remember the exact lines, but it cracked me up. Maybe it was because we saw it about 5 times... there were some projector issues with that movie, remember Lisa?

  5. I think it's great that this movie made you feel hopeful, Lisa! And duh, you don't gotta change your opinion just because it differs from ours. But you better not go out of your way to dislike my June pick for you! Ha ha.

  6. I totally intend to hate YOTD just to get back at you.


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