It seems that a competition has started between the sister and sister-in-law's sister-in-law. Only one of us, me (Lisa), actually finished her assignments in the month of October, and now a war has arisen because of this.
The other two are determine to do what we are suppose to do and watch the films before November comes to a quick end. Crazy concept indeed!
Moving past the ridiculousness of our wonderful sister relationship, here are the movies each has assigned.
Melissa's Pick for Jessica and Lisa:

A woman's lover leaves her, and she tries to contact him to find out why he's left. She confronts his wife and son, who are as clueless as she. Meanwhile her girlfriend is afraid the police are looking for her because of her boyfriend's criminal activities. They talk to a female lawyer, who turns out to be the lover's new lover, and everyone's path keeps crossing each other's in a very complicated and confusing manner.
Jessica's Pick for Melissa and Lisa:

An Irish immigrant family adjusts to life in the United States.
Lisa's Pick for Melissa (quite happy Melissa will be on the same page as Jessica and I):

Scott Pilgrim must defeat his new girlfriend's seven evil exes in order to win her heart.
Lisa's Pick for Jessica (geeking out that Jessica will finally understand the awesomeness that Melissa and I are aware of):

After the traumatizing ordeal in the movie with the same name, Buffy Summers and her mother move to Sunnydale, only to discover that L.A. was just a walk in the park...